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ory import oauth2-client

ory import oauth2-client

Import one or more OAuth 2.0 Clients from files or STDIN


This command reads in each listed JSON file and imports their contents as a list of OAuth 2.0 Clients.

The format for the JSON file is:

[ { "client_secret": "...", // ... all other fields of the OAuth 2.0 Client model are allowed here } ]

Please be aware that this command does not update existing clients. If the client exists already, this command will fail.

ory import oauth2-client <file-1.json> [<file-2.json> ...] [flags]


Import an example OAuth2 Client:
cat > ./file.json <<EOF
"grant_types": ["implicit"],
"scope": "openid"
"grant_types": ["authorize_code"],
"scope": "openid"

{{ .CommandPath }} file.json


cat file.json | {{ .CommandPath }}

To encrypt an auto-generated OAuth2 Client Secret, use flags `--pgp-key`, `--pgp-key-url` or `--keybase` flag, for example:

{{ .CommandPath }} -n "my app" -g client_credentials -r token -a core,foobar --keybase keybase_username


      --format string        Set the output format. One of table, json, yaml, json-pretty, and jsonpath. (default "default")
-h, --help help for oauth2-client
--keybase string Keybase username for encrypting client secret.
--pgp-key string Base64 encoded PGP encryption key for encrypting client secret.
--pgp-key-url string PGP encryption key URL for encrypting client secret.
--project string The project to use, either project ID or a (partial) slug.
-q, --quiet Be quiet with output printing.

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string   Path to the Ory Network configuration file.
-y, --yes Confirm all dialogs with yes.